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Top 5 Activities to do in Tadoba National Park

Top 5 Activities to do in Tadoba National Park

An enchanting Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve hardly needs any introduction. Maharashtra’s largest and oldest wildlife sanctuary comprises Tadoba National Park – 116.5 square kilometer and Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary – 508.85 square kilometer of vast area. It was established in the year of 1955 as a national park and later expanded in 1995 and the adjacent Andhari wildlife sanctuary merged into it. Tadoba is located at a distance of 150 kilometer from Nagpur city and this tiger reserve makes larger part of the Chandrapur districts.


Interesting Point about Tadoba National Park

1. Tiger Safari in Tadoba National Park

Tadoba is known for its magnificent tigers and it lived up to our expectations. Out of the three safari rides we took in the core zone, we had close encounters with tigers twice.

A fully grown male tiger crossed our way during morning safari and we were barely 4 ft away from it. The tiger population in the reserve is pegged at 88, according to the Tiger Population Estimation in Tadoba.

Our guide told us that there could be around 20 tigers including males and females in the areas open for safari. Besides tigers, the safari offers plenty of opportunities to spot other forms of wildlife from close quarters.


In the middle of the Moharli zone lies the vast Tadoba lake, which serves as an important source of water for wildlife in the reserve. It is surrounded by lush teak wood forests.

The lake is teeming with mugger crocodiles. They are also referred to as marsh crocodiles, native to the freshwater habitats from the Indian subcontinent.



In the middle of the Moharli zone lies the vast Tadoba lake, which serves as an important source of water for wildlife in the reserve. It is surrounded by lush teak wood forests.

As we started exploring the forest and visited some of the waterholes in the forest, we came across a lot of beautiful birds.

Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve is home to a large number of waterfowls, raptors and several other types of rare birds.


Buffer zones of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve are equally rich in wildlife. We went for two safari rides in the buffer zone and spotted a tiger as well.

There are six gates providing entry to the buffer zone – Agarzari, Devada-Adegaon, Junona, Kolara, Ramdegi-Navegaon and Alizanza.

Buffer zone forests have denser woodlands compared to the core zones such as Tadoba and Moharli. So, be alert and be ready with your camera for capturing some great wildlife moments.



We discovered this lake on our way to Moharli from Nagpur. Irai lake is the backwaters of Irai dam built on the Irai river.

Locally, it is popularly referred to as Tadoba Boating Point, which is precisely the boarding point for the boat ride in the lake.

The helmsman of our boat told us that the reservoir covers approximately 5000 hectares and touches the buffer areas of the tiger reserve.

The lake is absolutely a paradise for birdwatchers. There are many islets in the lake serving as breeding and nesting ground for the water birds.

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